This sequence is not for beginners, however many of the postures are taught to beginners as foundational and essential poses. Over time, as we continue to practice hatha yoga our bodies become seasoned, soften and open. We deepen into these same poses, but have a completely different experience each time. Practicing beginner postures, lays down the foundation in which we can build onto. It paves the path, enlightens our awareness and we grow and evolve. In a particular sequence, one posture should prepare the body for the next posture, creating a safe and accessible experience, a balanced awareness and renewed energy.
Extended hand to toe or heal
Open and lengthen your hamstrings, strengthen abdominals
Downward facing dog
Foundational standing pose
Essential lateral standing pose
Half moon
Benificial for back problems and can relieve sciatica
Revolved half moon
Strengthens and increases flexibility
Half head balance
Coming up with two legs strengthens abdominals and lower back.
Supported head balance
King of postures
simulates glandular sustem while strengthens upper body
Child's pose
Restful and calming after strenuous postures, stablizes blood preasure after Head balance
Intense spinal stretch, concave back
stretches and srengthens entire back body, spinal muscles and stretches hamstrings
Foundational Back extension
Inverted staff
Intermediate Back extension
Turning, twisting belly
challenging deep abdominal twisting
Plough, toes on floor
Introspective, deep back body strengthening stretch
Plough, interlocking fingers
Supported shoulder balance
Mother of Asana, tremendously beneficial for organic body, reverses the effects of gravity on you body/mind, preserver of Youth
One limb shoulder balance
One limb turned shoulder balance
Requires preparation for hamstrings , knees and hips
Seated angle
Opens hips and hamstrings
Forward bend head resting calms, cools, brings attention Inward.
Intergration from practice
Copyright © 2019 Deborah Saliby